
Write Your World

A Teen's Blog of Writing


January 2016

KK 2nd Gen. – Chapter 2 is UP!!

The title says all. 😀


R2-D2 or BB-8?

Okay so it’s a lazy Sunday for me so you all get a surprise post!  A question that I have been asking pretty much anybody who has seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens is this:  Who is better: R2 or BB-8?

R2 and BB-8

Continue reading “R2-D2 or BB-8?”

Kingdom Keepers Story Up!

The fanfiction of the Kingdom Keepers is up!  This will be the only thing active until March.  Enjoy!

Kingdom Keepers: The Second Generation


The Name of Write Your World

Write Your World.  What does it mean, you ask?  Why that name?  Where did you, meaning me, come up with it?  It all began a long time a ago…in a galaxy far, far away that we could only reach (well, there were other ways, but still) by taking the highway.  That far, far away galaxy was Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Continue reading “The Name of Write Your World”

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