
Write Your World

A Teen's Blog of Writing



Bluebird (aka Perrissa) is an enjoyer of Star Wars, Wings of Fire, Hunger Games, Kingdom Keepers, Harry Potter series, Divergent series, (all books and movies pretty much), writing, talking, and acting. Her favorite Star Wars character is R2-D2. Whenever she has free time she usually spends it thinking, writing, or listening to music.

Okay So….Explanations…You Deserve.

So….I’ve been very very very very very terrible with keeping this blog active.  I have failed you all.  2016 was a crazy year and so far is 2017.  I’m going through a lot: There was my 17th birthday.  Trying to keep some relationships with certain friends alive and going on well.  There are those new friendships/relationships I am striving for.  Trying to come out of my shell.  Trying to get back on course with God’s plan for my life.  Trying to figure out who I really am.  Trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life after I finish high school this coming month.  I’m preparing for Fuge Camp in North Carolina.  I am continuing on some new stories/books.  I am focusing my writing life towards my essays and a short autobiography.  I am dealing with chores that I am trying to be the best at, being there for my family and trying to get along with them even when I don’t think it’s fair with the situation my parents put me in.  I am trying to live like a person who loves others no matter what even if they have done something to me that seems like I can never forget.  There is a lot more going for me that is a little more personal.  This all is personal, but there’s more stuff that I have to go into detail for you to understand.

There is a lot more going for me that is a little more personal.  This all is personal, but there’s more stuff that I have to go into detail for you to understand.

But with all of this seemingly coming to a close this Easter week.  I am hoping to get the hang of what life is currently throwing at me and get back to writing more for you all.  That is, if there are people that are still here and that check this blog, hoping for a great story (I hope that’s how you all see it xDDD) to read.  So let me know if there’s anything I can do for you all.  What story do you want me to continue my work on the most?  I’ll continue writing the story with the most votes.  Does that sound good?

Here are the current stories I am writing on here:

In A Dream

My Insider

The End


There some I am writing but not quite sure to share them yet.  They are in the process of plottation(?).  XD I’m plotting them is what I am saying xD

Here are the titles:

Stuck in a Dream


The Memories of Eristen Potel

Let me know if I should make posts on what these books will be about. 😀  Thanks!!!  Have a good week!  And know He has risen!!!

And to give you all a little something here is a sneak peek of Chapter 2: Childhood Memories of my autobiography!! 😀  Feel free to comment a childhood memory of yours!!! 😀  Thanks!

   Growing up, we all have those moments where we are told something that we did when we were younger.  This was so exception for me.  Then, there were those memories I can remember.  And with those, I never want to forget them.

   “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” ~Dr. Suess.

What I Am Told

   As we all grow up, we come to those times where our parents and possibly older siblings tell us what we did as little kids.  These stories just so happened when we were really young when we could not remember.  Convenient?  In some cases, yes.

   I was told and still am that I bit my mother.  I was a biter as a baby and a toddler.  So much so that I had all of my toys and belonging taken away by my dad.  I slightly remember this.  I remember my Ariel bubble toy being taken away.  Fortunately, I do not remember the biting episodes, but still feel guilty sometimes.

   Being seventeen and not kissed in that special way you watch your parents kiss, I am the one who complains about it, yet am pretty proud of it at the same time.  Also, yet, I am waiting for that special someone.  I just complain because it is taking forever for him to find me.  On the other hand, more like on my parents’ hands, I am told every time I mention being a late teen and still not kissed, it is a lie.  My parents say that when I was two to three years old, I kissed several young boys.  I even apparently tried to kiss my dad.  Eww.  And my brother, Pearce, claims that in a baby picture of his, I was kissing him.  Double ew.  (I was two, Pearce!  And our lips are not touching in the picture!!) Those do not count.  If those kisses could not be etched into my memory, it means they were not real or good enough kisses.  Sorry boys.

   There were those home movies my Grandpa nicknamed Papa, and Dad would make.  To this day I still watch them, saying I remember that.  However, there are those scenes where I wish I could remember by memory.  And then there are those which are just truly embarrassing.

   One of my favorite embarrassing clips of the home movies has to do with my Mom’s dad, Papa the moviemaker.  One Christmas when I was a one year old, Papa dressed up as Santa Claus.  He came into the house and was ringing a bell and yelling, “Ho, ho, ho!” through the halls and rooms.  I cried and screamed.  Mom and Dad kept trying to calm me down.  Papa tried his best to make it funny and not so scary, but I kept crying only stopping a few times to open the gifts he gave me.  Eventually, I kept crying too much and very loudly that Santa left.  I was fine after that.

   Some of these I wish I remembered.  I probably would if it was not for the stair incident.  Again on a home video, I was with my dad and he was testing out his video camera by plugging it into the TV and filming.  I was a few months old and just starting to walk.  

   Apparently, I thought it was about time I conquered the stairs because I walked right up to them and started slowly crawling my way up after a few “c’mon”s and “Perrrrrrisssa”s.  With Dad sometimes in front and right behind me with the camera in his hand, he filmed me making it past a couple of staircases onto a small landing.  I was about one-eighth of the way done by then.  For a minute I became preoccupied with some wrapping paper, but after some more encouragement, I continued.

   With the five-sixths left, I was pretty happy with myself.  Slowly with a few breaks, I made it up about four sixths of the way.  Feeling victorious I stood up on a step only to fall down with my Dad laughing.  After the crying episode that followed, I started at the bottom once more.  Eventually and finally, I made it to the top.
   These videos and stories that I watch and am told about, I wish I remembered a lot of them by memory.  I blame my Dad.  Maybe if he had caught me on my way down the stairs I would have a better memory of those.  Maybe.


P.S.  I’m thinking about maybe doing a daily vlog??  What are your thoughts?

Liebster Award, Again!!!!!

All my thanks this time goes to my fellow Ron Paul Curriculum student, Butch!  Thank you so very much for nominating me.  Please do follow him. 😀  Here is his link:

The rules require that I say the following about me:

  • I will be 17 in just one day!!
  • I have very few friends, but they seem to be all of my best friends! 😉
  • My favorite theme park is Walt Disney World.
  • I live in Florida and have most of my life.
  • My favorite kind of cake is carrot cake (with a TON of icing).
  • I am in my last year of high school – senior.
  • I take the Ron Paul Curriculum.
  • I am a Christian.
  • I used to have hair that went all the way to the back of my knees in length.
  • I am going to FUGE camp in North Carolina this year with my church family!!
  • I love to act.

Now for Butch’s questions.  These are really interesting! 😀

  1. Who was the best president in your opinion?

Thomas Jefferson, even though he still had his failures.

2. What’s your favorite style of music?

Christian rock, 80s, 90s, metal, a little bit of country, and some rap.  Pretty much none of today’s music though.

3. What’s your favorite subject on RPC?

For 12th grade, it would have to be English 4: American Literature.  But my favorite of all the courses I have taken is Public Speaking.

4. Do you have a hobby, if so what is it?

I love making string bracelets, rainbow loom creations, reading, singing, dancing, acting, writing, and a lot of other things.

5. What is your dream car?

1998 Jeep Wrangler in a sparkly dark purple.

6. What is your favorite car that would be reasonable?

A Toyota Tacoma.

7. What is your favorite season and why?

Fall.  I love the way the leaves fall with wind, the colors of leaves, and the nice weather.  In Florida, we only get about a week of Fall, a week of Spring, and a few days of Winter, and the rest Summer. Lol.

8. Where would you like to live if you had the choice?

Probably my hometown, Albuquerque, New Mexico, as long as I could take my church and family with me.

9. Do you play an instrument or sing?

I would love to play the violin or piano, but for now I sing.

10. What is your favorite weather?

A nice, but slightly powerful breeze, 65-70 degrees, and partly cloudy.

11. Do you think it is immoral to break the law?

Nowadays, everything  you do, I bet you break some law, take for example, the Ten Commandments.  And this is probably unintentional most of the time.  But with so many laws, such as, singing in your swimming wear in Florida is against the law, it is kind of impossible.  But yes, I think it is wrong but also right in some cases to break the law.  It really depends on the situation.  But I think as long as your follow the Ten Commandments and every other rule/law God has given you, you should not break those laws.  But we are human and we all fall.

Finally here are nominees:

Any one who read this.  Done.  Let me know if you did in the comments!!!

Here are your questions:

  1. What is your favorite type of dessert (details please!)?
  2. If you could do anything what would it be?
  3. If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?
  4. What is/was your favorite grade and why?
  5. Describe your dream room:
  6. If you were given the chance to go anywhere you wanted to for vacation what would it be?
  7. Your dream job?
  8. Do you have an pets?  If no, are there any pets you would like?
  9. Favorite fandom?  How were you introduced to it?  Why is it your favorite?
  10. What is your favorite store to go to?
  11. Is there anything I can pray about for you?

I can’t wait to see your answers!!! 😀 Thanks! Cya!


Merry Christmas Adam!!! :D

Because, ya know?  Adam came before Eve? Lol xD  Merry Christmas Eve Eve/Adam.  Are you all excited?  What do you hope you are getting?  Any presents you are excited about that you got for anyone you know?  What are you doing tomorrow?  Tell me everything!!! 😀



My Star Wars TAG! Answers

It’s out you all!  I’m going to celebrate Rogue One with this tag!!! 😀

1. Favorite Characters:

a. Original Trilogy (New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi): Leia & Han, R2-D2, EWOKS!!!, Luke, Vader, C-3PO, Lando, Chewie, and Yoda and in no particular order except first three. 😉

b. Second Trilogy (The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith): Obi-Wan, Padme’, R2!!, Jango, Maul, Mace Windu, Yoda.  Again no particular order.

c. Clone Wars Cartoon Series: Ahsoka Tano, R2-D2, Obi-Wan, Satine, Lux, Padme’, Maul, etc.  Yes, in a order from favorite to less favorite 😉

d. Third Trilogy (so far, The Force Awakens): Rey (SKYWALKER?!?! SOLO?!?! KENOBI?!?! WHICH ONE?!?!), Han, Leia, Kylo Ren, Phasma, etc.

e. Rogue One: Jynn.  Yeah, she’s it for right now. 😉

f. Rebels Cartoon Series: Hera, Kanan, Sabine, Ezra, Maul,

2. Favorite Movie of all and why: Return of the Jedi.  Action packed, enjoyable, EWOKS! <3, and the Endor scenes of amazingness. XD Oh and the good guys win!! Ye-eah!

3. Favorite Scene: Either the last scene in RoJ, or I Love You, I Know in Empire Strikes Back.

4. Favorite Music: Yub nub!!!

5. Light (Jedi) or Dark (Sith) and why: Neither/both.  You cannot have one without the other.

6. Favorite Jedi: Ahsoka.

7.  Favorite Droid: R2.

8.  Favorite Sith: Darth Vader.

9.  Least favorite characters: Palpatine, Grevious, Jar-Jar.

10. Favorite line(s): I love you….I know.  May the Force Be with You.  I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

11. Favorite Clone Wars episode: Forget its name…but it’s the last one in Season 5. :””””””””(  I cry everytime, but its so good.

12. Favorite Rebels episode: Twilight of the Apprentice, Part 2.

13. Rebels or Clone Wars: Both.

14. What is the best thing about Star Wars for you?  How I can connect with people who love it just as much I do (maybe less, maybe more).  It’s like the Force. lol  Force binds us together.

15. What is the worst thing about it for you?  NOTHING! Except for when anything Star Wars ends for a time. XD

16. How do you celebrate May the Fourth?  I watch all seven movies, soon to be eight, then nine, then ten, and eleven, dress up in a costume, lightsaber duel my bros, etc.

17. Why is Star Wars important to you?  Its made me who I am in some ways.  The people who enjoy it with me are amazing.  It’s inspired me to write my own stories, to want to be an actress.

18. Favorite story that has to do with Star Wars and you?  Dave Filoni.  It was at Star Wars Weekends in Walt Disney World in 2009, when David Eckstein gave me a Duffy bear and a question to ask Filoni in the show Behind the Force.  When it was question time I stood up when Ashley Eckstein called on me and I asked Dave Filoni, “Are you going to be adding bears or wolves into the Clone Wars?”.  He looked at Ashley and David, knowing they put me up to this.  It was the best.  I went up to the stage, and gave Dave the bear.  After the show, Dave signed the tag on the Duffy bear and sent his wife after me to give it to me.  I still have it.  And that’s when we would talk to Ashley after her show pretty much every time.  I love Star Wars. ❤

19. Have you gone to Star Wars Weekends at Disney or a Star Wars Celebration?  If so, when?  If not, would you like to?  Star Wars Weekends, yes.  2005 (I think), 2007, Maybe 2008, 2009, & 2011.  I hope to go to Star Wars Celebration Orlando in 2017.  Fingers crossed!!!!

20.  Are you excited for the Han Solo movie?  Yus!  I just heard a trailer or something is out!  Gotta go seez it!!!! AHHHHHH!

21. What color would your lightsaber be?  What would the handle look like?  Two lightsabers.  One of my own creation, and one like the darksaber.  I’ll upload pics later. 😉

22. Favorite alien?  WICKET!!!!

23. Describe you if you were in the Star Wars galaxy:

Name: Lakeeta Sumara.

Looks: Like me. XD  But older slightly and longer hair.

Personality: Mine.

Role in the SW Galaxy: Leader or co-leader of a group of people called the Daki.  Neither light nor dark, just inbetween.  Like the Father in that one episode of the Clone Wars.

Birth planet: Endor.

History: Mysterious…one day…one day, my friends.

That is all!  Hope you guys enjoyed reading.  Go ahead and do this tag if you want!  Enjoy Rogue One, you guys!!! I hope I seez it soonz! XDD


~May the Force Be With YOU!  Always!


Star Wars TAG!

With Thursday fast approaching, and the release of A Star Wars Story: Rogue One, what better way to celebrate by fans talking about their love for Star Wars!  Enjoy and May the Force Be With You!  Tagged you are, mmmmmhmmm.

1. Favorite Characters:

a. Original Trilogy (Movies New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi):

b. Second Trilogy (The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith):

c. Clone Wars Cartoon Series:

d. Third Trilogy (so far, The Force Awakens):

e. Rogue One:

f. Rebels Cartoon Series:

2. Favorite Movie of all and why:

3. Favorite Scene:

4. Favorite Music:

5. Light or Dark and why:

6. Favorite Jedi:

7.  Favorite Droid:

8.  Favorite Sith:

9.  Least favorite characters:

10. Favorite line(s):

11. Favorite Clone Wars episode:

12. Favorite Rebels episode:

13. Rebels or Clone Wars:

14. What is the best thing about Star Wars for you?

15. What is the worst thing about it for you?

16. How do you celebrate May the Fourth?

17. Why is Star Wars important to you?

18. Favorite story that has to do with Star Wars and you?

19. Have you gone to Star Wars Weekends at Disney or a Star Wars Celebration?  If so, when?  If not, would you like to?

20.  Are you excited for the Han Solo movie?

21. What color would your lightsaber be?  What would the handle look like?

22. Favorite alien?

23. Describe you if you were in the Star Wars galaxy:

Please leave a link to your answers in the comments below!  Tanks!

May the force be with you…Always. 😉


Kingdom Keeper TAG!

Another amazing and super fun tag by inkgirlwords!!!  As always, consider yourself tagged and follow her blog.  Thanks!! ❤


1. Favorite character(s):

Amanda, Finn, Jess, Willa, Charlene, Wanda, Philby (only in the first few books though), Maybeck, Wayne, (all the good guys).  But my top three are the first three in order of bestest to best. xD

2. Least favorite character(s):

Ursula, Chernabog, Tia Dalma.

3. What word would you use to describe Wayne:

Unique.  Definitely a character of uniquness and mystery. 😉

4. Favorite book from the series (talking about the original here):

I love all of them but my absolute favorite: Kingdom Keepers VII: The Insiders.  A lot of sadness, but a lot of action and fun and, yes, evil, but good overtakes evil ;D

5. Have you read the second series:

Yes.  Patiently (not really; so want to read it NOW!) waiting for book #3 in March!!! I’m so excited!!

6. What do you like best about the series:

Fairlies and the fact that it’s Disney.  There is still a lot of unanswered things.  It leaves you hanging and waiting for the answer book after book after book.  Also the whole idea of the parks coming to life.  Every kid like me thinks this, but with the books helping it come alive.  Also I love how I can relate to the characters; it makes me feel as if I am there as her or with them.  Every good writing style.

7. What do you not like about the series:

The sad death of Willa’s teddy bear. 😦 And other deaths on part of the good guys.  But those do shape the Keepers and the Kingdom though.  They play important parts and play with your heart, making the series more memorable.

8. Rate this series from 1-5 stars:

4.9 stars.  I read it over and over again, but trying re-read one a third time can get a little boring with some of the long talking parts, but I still enjoy them a ton.


What tag should I come up with?  Any ideas? 😀

Disney Tag!!!

Consider yourself tagged!!!  Here is where I found this:

Please check out her poems and other tags!  She is amazing!  And I’m pretty sure you’ll find something to enjoy!  Don’t forget to follow InkGirlWords!

  1. Favorite Princess:

    1. Rapunzel, 2. Ariel, 3. Elsa (My top three XD)

  2. Favorite Prince:

    Eugene Fitzherbert 😉

  3. Favorite Sidekick:


  4. Favorite Disney movie: 


  5.  Cutest Disney guy: 

    Killian (OUAT), Eugene, Eric.

  6. Favorite Disney Villian:

    Ooo, they’re all so evil xD Probably Ursula.

  7. Favorite Live Action Disney movie:

    If it was a show, it would be OUAT.  Hmmm…Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens? XD

  8. Favorite Disney horse:

    Maximums. I know, I know a lot of Tangled there.

  9.  Favorite Non-Human Disney Character:

    Timon & Pumba.  They are the best.

  10. Which Disney Princess Dress would you wear to prom?  

    Oh gosh, toughy….Ella’s dress from the live action movie – Cinderella or Ariel’s sea green one, or Elsa’s ice gown…grr…so tough! XD

Now go follow InkGirlandWords!  And then answer her tag!!


Harry Potter Tag! You’re Next!

Heyo fellow bloggers and Harry Potter fans!  Feel free to the take the questions, answer them yourself and add it onto your blog! 😀

  1. Favorite book:
    1. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! ❤
  2. Favorite movie:
    1. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! ❤ xD
  3. Least favorite book:
    1. Um…I like them all but if I have to choose one it would be…….I don’t know xDDDD
  4. parts of movies/books that made you cry:
    1. Fred’s, Tonk’s and Remus’s death.
  5. If you could hook up with any of the character, who would it be:
    1. George.
  6. Favorite character(s):
    1. Fred and George, Remus Lupin, and Tonks.
  7. What would your patronus be?
    1. Stoat (But personally I think Dragon or a dog of some sorts).
  8. Resurrection stone, Invisibility cloak, Elder wand?
    1. Cloak
  9. House?
    1. Ravenclaw!
  10. If you could meet any one of the cast, who would it be?
    1. Oliver and James Phelps.  I saw them, just didn’t get to meet them.
  11. Have you played any of the video games?
    1. No, but I’ve wanted to.
  12. If you were on a Quidditch team, what position would you play?
    1. Beater or Chaser.
  13. Were you happy with the ending?  
    1. Yes and no.  Why did some of my favorite characters have to go?
  14. How much does Harry Potter mean to you?
    1. It was one of my birth mom’s favorite series of books.  She enjoyed them a lot.  I own the three she had now. (1-3)  And I love it too. 😀


Halloween Time

I thought it would be fun to tell you all what I did this Halloween.  I really started celebrating on the 26th.  My church’s middle school youth group, where I volunteer every Wednesday, had a Halloween party.  On the 30th, my church had a free Trunk ‘r Treat.  Then finally I joined my friends on Halloween Night at their house to help hand out tons of candy. Continue reading “Halloween Time”

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