Another amazing and super fun tag by inkgirlwords!!!  As always, consider yourself tagged and follow her blog.  Thanks!! ❤


1. Favorite character(s):

Amanda, Finn, Jess, Willa, Charlene, Wanda, Philby (only in the first few books though), Maybeck, Wayne, (all the good guys).  But my top three are the first three in order of bestest to best. xD

2. Least favorite character(s):

Ursula, Chernabog, Tia Dalma.

3. What word would you use to describe Wayne:

Unique.  Definitely a character of uniquness and mystery. 😉

4. Favorite book from the series (talking about the original here):

I love all of them but my absolute favorite: Kingdom Keepers VII: The Insiders.  A lot of sadness, but a lot of action and fun and, yes, evil, but good overtakes evil ;D

5. Have you read the second series:

Yes.  Patiently (not really; so want to read it NOW!) waiting for book #3 in March!!! I’m so excited!!

6. What do you like best about the series:

Fairlies and the fact that it’s Disney.  There is still a lot of unanswered things.  It leaves you hanging and waiting for the answer book after book after book.  Also the whole idea of the parks coming to life.  Every kid like me thinks this, but with the books helping it come alive.  Also I love how I can relate to the characters; it makes me feel as if I am there as her or with them.  Every good writing style.

7. What do you not like about the series:

The sad death of Willa’s teddy bear. 😦 And other deaths on part of the good guys.  But those do shape the Keepers and the Kingdom though.  They play important parts and play with your heart, making the series more memorable.

8. Rate this series from 1-5 stars:

4.9 stars.  I read it over and over again, but trying re-read one a third time can get a little boring with some of the long talking parts, but I still enjoy them a ton.


What tag should I come up with?  Any ideas? 😀